Discussion of Last Class
I noticed that a lot of negative images were used in all of our movies. These images did not necessarily portray teenagers badly, but seemed to communicate that teenagers have a pessimistic world view. For example, almost everyone used the jail image, and a few groups used the sepia image of the boy looking contemplative among his CDs. Of the images we picked, there were few overtly positive ones to choose from, so perhaps our videos were a function of these choices. People also seemed to gravitate towards the images about free - and sometimes angry - expression, like the WTO protest, the people jumping up and down in front of the poster (was it of a rock star? a movie star?), and the graffiti image. I have to admit, these are the images I liked best.
I had a great time using I-movie during class. I hope we do more activities like this in the future.
I too noticed that our class contributed some photos that were not so endearing to the youth culture, and I did the same as you did- I contributed a photo that I thought represented the state of the youth movement in the present moment. Yes, this is what I see and experience every Friday at the youth center that I volunteer at -the attitude of how they see the world. This is how the youth present themselves to me in my consulting sessions because they tell me their inner thoughts in private, and this is how they react
to the attitudes and opinions that come from others about them. They are reacting to the labels, the representations that others have of them. Does this leave any room for them to be their true selves?
Can you learn about your true self from others, from tv, from media? If so, then we are in a sad state and our uniqueness as individuals has been striped away. We then become just what others want us to be. Woe to those who do this.
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